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Judgment526 • 1 year ago

This looks interesting. You don't often see this kind of subject matter/setting outside of Chinese dramas and Chinese anime, so it's kind of a breath of fresh air. I'll probably stick around for this one.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

As if Saturday is not already packed lol

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Ngl, part of me was hoping this would be bad so that I could have an excuse to drop a show, but it turned out to be pretty good. T^T

I almost dropped on the spot when i saw some cgi but then saw the raven consort was drawn so pretty that I understood the priorities of their budget 😂

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

they're animators of culture...we have an understanding it seems

hipsterhater • 1 year ago

absolument FAPtastico!!!!!!

Kirito • 1 year ago

It got me hooked because the prince was doing all of this to avenge his mother that suicide probably because of shame seeing her son doing funny dance

vovan1 • 1 year ago

me too, so far very nice colors, and chinese traditions. Will stick around for 3 eps at least.

Kirito • 1 year ago

I don't really like Chinese anime but this looks so interesting because that woman has a white hair and I like her attitude and the guy is cool and has a cool motive

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Saturday is always pack.
As a couple of left over from Summer that will end today to next week, and or continue on through this season. Aside from the new show starts today and next Saturday there also + 5 long on goings

Veldora • 1 year ago

Too much.

while more anime is welcomed it's kinda a hassle finishing a whole new released in a day. I'm the type that if that got released in that day then I will watch it that day just to avoid spoiler

more often than not I resort to 2x play speed if there in indeed alot.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Well the past 2 years worth of anime on a Saturday is like 15 or so or Sat/Sun since the new seasonal anime, leftover cours, to long on goings like One Piece or Detective Conan.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Well that was a waste he should've killed that woman instead he missed

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

I can definitely see this being a top 5 for the fall season as far as new anime is concerned.

Veldora • 1 year ago

Same here, I already enjoy it.

tc • 1 year ago

I don't think top 5 as people don't know the story unless you read the novel which is in Japanese and not translated yet. The main reason there is too much anime shows coming in October, if this was next month November then maybe but October is too competitive.

Spoderman • 1 year ago

ya not really. high as phuck xD easy skip

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

So many this season and wouldn't surprise me if there is a few like Thunderbolt Fantasy setting but without the puppets.

Rannen 19 • 5 months ago

I was brought here because of Mamao from Apothecary.

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

yea I'm gonna stick around - going to see if it's good

Anigirl • 1 year ago

Since you brought up the idea of anime in a Chinese like setting, Try "Twelve Kingdoms". It's really good.

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

I'm very confused whether this is based on Chinese or Korean dynasty .
Their name look Chinese
But, their outfits are very Korean dynasty styled.

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Looks pretty Chinese to me. I may be wrong but I believe Korean historical fashion borrowed elements from the Chinese as well.

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

Yup, Korea historical fashion did have elements borrowed from the Chinese.

Well, China, Korea and Japan did traded culture during ancient times. That's why it would makes sense, including why Japan Kanji looks so alike with Chinese[Traditional].

Kanji, 漢字 or 汉字[Simplified Chinese] (Han Zi) . Both words are actually the same.

The first Chinese language was called Chinese[Traditional] invented 3600 years ago by Shang Dynasty. As time passed, Japan and Korea went to China for cultural trade. There, Japan adapted the Chinese written words: Kanji for their own language to have written form too.

[Time skip]
Then, somewhere around or probably 1949 years... Chinese Communist Party invented Chinese[Simplified], the one I use. They replaced Chinese[Traditional] with Chinese[Simplified] making the words easier to write. Thus, simplified version.
Up until today, only Taiwan still use Chinese[Tradtional] in their education system and Japanese Kanji that adapted from Chinese [Traditional] Kanji.

As someone born from Malaysia, since our education for Chinese language is borrowed from China. That's why I often type and write using Chinese[Simplified]. It is quite convenient. Simplified as it is, easier to write. I always remember back in elementary school our Chinese teacher show us the different between the way to write simplified and traditional version of some chinese character. Anyone who can write as fast those using Simplified version while using Traditional version is truly a pro.

Example of the different in writing the word between Simplified and Tradtional version:
漢 (Chinese[Traditional])
汉 (Chinese[Simplified])

Yea, the latter is definitely easier to write XD

Kirito • 1 year ago

Their name is Chinese ya know the xiaoyu it's Chinese if it's Korean it would be much cool and their hair would be like straight bangs and the plot is good

Marrro • 1 year ago

I based on neither. The author is Japanese who mixed up Chinese and Korean authentic together.

l2noob4ul • 1 year ago

the clothing is very chinese as is the names

korean names are generally 2-3 letters when translated to english. also the x/z sound is rarely or never used in korean

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

The black hat. If I recall correctly, it was Korean Dynasty officers hat. I don't remember any Chinese Dynasty use it before.

pages • 1 year ago

You don't know that because you don't know Chinese history, except Qing dynasty and Yuan Dynasty officials in other dynasties of China used black hats. Chinese culture has been dominant in ancient East Asia (including Vietnam). Korea was for a long time just a tributary state of China, officially using Chinese system and Chinese characters and wearing Chinese style clothes

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

And yeah, I didn't know much about Chinese history. At most I know are just some famous events during Qin Dynasty, the Seven Kingdom of Warring States and the Romance of Three Kingdom [some of the story are exagerrated].

My Chinese class teacher used to talk about Chinese history during the time I was studying at Chinese Elementary School. But, despite being born a Chinese myself as a race, I don't really feel interested with China's history. I was rather more attracted to the damn global war like WW II XDD

But, meh. That was back when I was a kid, I eventually forgot almost everything of the WW II stuff.

Glad I and my family are born in Malaysia. Imagine if my ancestors didn't go on a voyage from China to Malaysia a long time ago and I would be born in China. Damn... horrifying... Imagine the education is so strict that u have to understand China history when you don't like it XDD

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

Korea is a tributary state of China, that part I know. Can say that they are Ancient China Dynasty's colony.
I have never seen them use the black hat before in any Chinese dynasty TV show nor anime, that's why I didn't think of it as a Chinese outfit for officers.

In fact, the kind of hat I know for Ancient China Dynasty IS a fancy hat for them that it doesnt have a bush tail going upward, but it has a wide flat on top extend to either front and back or left and right. For emperor and officers, that's the one I know and seen in every show.

And for the black hat, I only ever seen them use it in Korea show. So... yeah :P

pages • 1 year ago

A tributary state is not the same as a colony. The tributary state had to pay tribute to the suzerain, and the suzerain gave them gifts, and the suzerain did not interfere in their internal affairs, and sometimes protected them

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

I see. Ty for the clarification, I heard others referred to it as colony rather than tributary state which made me misunderstood it.

pages • 1 year ago

You should see be the Qing Dynasty dress, this dynasty dress is particularly ugly, the emperor at that time was Manchu Chinese not Han Chinese. Because of the Qing Dynasty's policy of wearing clothes at the time was not traditional Han clothing, many Chinese people did not like this dynasty.

tc • 1 year ago

I argue Yuan Dynasty is more hated than the Qing Dynasty. It was ruled by the Mongols and don't forget the last thing Chinese want is foreigners ruling their land. The Mongols were worst than the Manchus, the only ones beating them were the Japanese imperial army during WWII. Before the Japanese the Mongols were ruthless and barbaric and very inhumane. They slaughtered many Chinese during Genghis Khan conquest to create the Mongol Empire. While Genghis's grandson Kublai Khan was interested and respect the Chinese culture and more tone down then his grandfather's violence, he didn't really respect the Chinese people and treat them as lower class same what Genghis did.

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

I see. That makes sense.

tc • 1 year ago

Because not much shows show Tang Dynasty. Tang is like the second golden age of China after the Han Dynasty, this when much of China's influence spread to much of Asia like Korea, Japan and Vietnam. The black hat is very common in Tang Dynasty. Joseon Korea and pre-Sengoku Japan has many influence from Tang Dynasty with some changes separating from it, Joseon Korea also has many similarities with China during Ming Dynasty as they have close trade relations and the influence never stops and continues between the two. Japan started to deviate from China after Tang and when Tokugawa united Japan and close up foreign influence that led to Japan changing into something else separate from China as the influence stopped after Tang.

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

Well, that explained for what I know and don't know.

Anigirl • 1 year ago

Outfits are most likely inspired by the Tang Dynasty Fashion.

Grape Nutz • 1 year ago

Korea had kings. China had emperors.

tc • 1 year ago

Korea also had emperors after the end of the Joseon Dynasty, Gojong and Sunjong before being annexed by Japan later on.

Grape Nutz • 1 year ago

Ah, thanks for the correction. I see now that Korea was indeed an empire for 13 years.

tc • 1 year ago

It was mostly under Japan's influence though as Japan like China also had emperors and close identical imperial system. The only difference is in Japan emperors never had power or authority other than the title and being a symbol. Most major historical figures in Japan are either those second in command titles like shogun generals or later prime ministers never once emperor has any significance, where as China and Korea usually its the head that has all the authority.

The Meta • 1 year ago

You mean in Chinese dramas and anime?
I don't get how this is already more popular than Kingdom. That show is underrated af.

Lord • 1 year ago

This is interesting, hope it'll get better.

Diablo • 1 year ago

Shouxue has Silver Hair so she must be from Luan Dynasty. I think Raven Consort is a title passed on to her because her flashback mentions a Raven Consort must have no desire

GreenTea Gal • 1 year ago

even tho she clearly desires sweets and friendship :P

joblesshobo • 1 year ago

I'm a simple person. I see silver hair I watch.

Pro tips for today: food works better than gifts.

GreenTea Gal • 1 year ago

food is the gift